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Description et objectifs

Ce cours d’option s’adresse aussi bien aux étudiants anglicistes qu’aux étudiants non-spécialistes désireux d’approfondir leur pratique de la langue et leur connaissance de la civilisation britannique.

Social classes : cultural aspects and representations in the Victorian Era

This course intends to approach the question of social classes and identity, not from a purely economic or political angle, but from the point of view of cultural history. Using various documents (articles, essays, excerpts from novels and plays, etc.), we shall endeavour to observe and analyse the representations of class differences, the evolutions in contemporary mentalities, and the values and specific identities of the various social groups in the Victorian era.

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BAILEY, Peter. Leisure and Class in Victorian England. Routledge, 1978.

------ . Popular Culture and Performance in the Victorian City. Cambridge UP, 1998.

BEDARIDA, François. A Social History of England (1851-1990). Routledge, 1991.

CANNADINE, David. Aspects of Aristocracy. London : Penguin, 1995 (1994)

------, Class in Britain. London : Penguin, 2000 (1998)

CARRE, Jacques ;  CHASSAIGNE, Philippe ; GERMAIN, Lucienne et Christiane d’HAUSSY, Religion et Culture au Royaume-Uni, 1800-1914. SEDES, 2001.

CUNNINGHAM, Hugh. Leisure in the Industrial Revolution c. 1780-1880. Croom Helm, 1980.

GARDINER, John. The Victorians: An Age in Retrospect. Hambledon,  2006 (new ed.)

GOLBY, J.M. and A.W. PURDUE. The Civilisation of the Crowd: Popular Culture in England, 1750-1900. Batsford, 1984.

GUNN, Simon. The Public Culture of the Victorian Middle Class. Ritual and Authority in the English Industrial City, 1840-1914. Manchester UP, 2000.

------ and Rachel BELL. Middle Classes: Their Rise and Sprawl. Phoenix, 2003.

HOUGHTON, Walter E. The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870. Yale UP, 1957.

JAMES, Lawrence. The Middle Class: A History. Little Brown, 2006.

MALCOLMSON, Robert.W. Popular Recreation in English Society 1700-1850. Cambridge UP, 1973.

MARSDEN, Gordon, ed. Victorian Values: Personalities and Perspectives in Nineteenth Century Society, Longman, 1998 (2nd ed.).

SWAFFORD, Kevin. Class in Late-Victorian Britain: The Narrative Concern with Social Hierarchy and Its Representation. Cambria Press, 2007.

THOMPSON, E.P. The Making of the English Working Class. Victor Gollancz, 1963.

THOMPSON, F.M.L. The Rise of Respectable Society : A Social History of Victorian Britain, 1830-1900. Fontana, 1988.

YEO, Eileen and Stephen, eds. Popular Culture and Class Conflict 1590-1914: Explorations in the History of Labour and Leisure. Harvester, 1981.

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