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Description et objectifs

Introduction to Applied Ethics

The objective of the course is to provide a detailed introduction to applied ethics. The course will explore ethical issues related to moral status (children, abortion, reproductive technology, genetic engineering, animals, environmental ethics, surrogate motherhood), personal lives (sexuality, family, love), life and death (euthanasia and physician-assisted Suicide, capital punishment, war), justice and international relations (immigration, national autonomy, world hunger), just society (racism, education, affirmative action, freedom of speech and religion, hate crimes, whistle-blowing, corporate responsibility). All these issues will be linked with meta-ethics questions and various options in normative ethics. The course will be given in English

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Bibliography: R.G. Frey and Christopher Wellman (ed.), A Companion to Applied Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell, 2003. A detailed bibliography will be provided during the course.

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